
My child does not draw. Does this mean that Picture TALKING will not work for him?
Picture TALKING does not need to be used by both novice and expert communicators. When you draw to make yourself better understood by your child, he will understand you more often. His improved comprehension will translate into a great deal more learning even if he never picks up a pencil.

I can't draw. Does this mean that Picture TALKING will not work for me?
The drawings are all basic stick man stuff. This is not art, it is communication and everybody can do that. When you draw an incomprehensible object like a giraffe, just label it a giraffe and that is what it becomes.

My daughter has a visual schedule, a visual communication book and we use PECS, why should we Picture TALK?
Picture Talking treats visual communication as a dynamic process, a complete language by itself. Because Picture TALKING uses drawing and not preprinted pictograms,
visual communication becomes something you build together. When you are creating meaning together, communication takes on a completely new dimension.

Here are some more advantages of drawing to communicate:

  • There's no dependence on preprinted pictograms to say what you want to say
  • Communication is instant. Whatever you want to say, you can say it at the moment you need to say it.
  • It's conversational. Drawing can be used to share ideas, feelings, perspectives between BOTH communicators.
  • Drawing is thinking. When you draw, you are building cognitive, perceptual and communication skills. 
  • Drawing is social. When you draw with another person, you are building stronger relationships. 
  • Drawing is universally understood.
  • Drawing is FUN!

I could go on and on but that is a good start.

My client does not have trouble talking, how can Picture TALKING help her?
Drawing conversations are used in two areas: Communication and Learning. Picture TALKING  can help you develop her organizational thinking, her logical thinking, build her memory and recall and it can help her critical thinking and planning skills.

Will using visuals slow down my child's progress in learning verbal communication?
Using visual supports enhances the ability for a language delayed individuals to express themselves and to understand others. The brain is wired to use many means of communication. Improvement in one area only means greater chance if growth in another. Just like reading and writing will improve thinking and speaking skills, drawing will as well.